Welcome to Our Online Registration System- For School Year 2024-2025 Click Here Español Tagalog Extended Day Programs and Beacons 2024-2025 School YearWe are excited for you to join us this school year! Mission Graduates combine arts, enrichments, recreation, and academics to create a comprehensive and dynamic learning experience for our students. Our Extended Day and Beacon Programs all run programming on-site at your child’s school. You can click the link above to register your child/children for the 2024-2025 school year or click on the school site below to register. We look forward to an amazing school year ahead!Please click the school sites below to get started. We look forward to seeing you all soon! Please select a School Site to begin Registration for 2024-2025. Marshall ElementaryExtended Day Program . Thomas EdisonCharter Academy (TECA) Extended Day Program Cleveland ElementaryExtended Day Program Alvarado Elementary Extended Day Program Mission High SchoolExtended Day Program June Jordan High SchoolExtended Day Program Flynn (Leonard R.) ElementaryBeacon Program Bryant ElementaryBeacon Program Everett Middle ShcoolBeacon Program Sanchez Elementary Beacon Program Bessie ElementaryBeacon Program Bessie Middle SchoolBeacon Program Account Management From your account you can check account balances, make payments, print receipts and childcare tax statements, and request schedule changes. Account Management Get in touch with usMission Graduates3040 16th StreetSan Francisco, CA 94103(415) 864-5205Email Mission Graduates