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Welcome to Our Online Registration System

We are excited to welcome students and families to our Golden State Adventures Mission Graduates Summer Program! Our programs will incorporate four components throughout the summer: academic fun, social-emotional learning, engaging enrichments, and outdoor exploration! 

Our program will begin on June 9th and end on July 23rd. **There will be no programming on June 19th or July 4th.** Many of our sites will be operating between 8:15 am and 3:30 pm, but please check your specific school for program hours.

Many of our program sites will be under construction, thus Summer program may be taking place at a different school location.  Please see our summer program sites below. Families are welcomed to register for other Mission Graduates summer school sites; we’ll do our best to accommodate your preferences.

We hope to see you this summer!

Please select a School Site to begin Registration for Summer 2025

Alvarado & Sanchez Summer Program

at Harvey Milk

Marshall & Bessie Carmichael Summer Program
at Marshall Elementary

Thomas Edison Charter Academy (TECA) & Everett MS Summer Program at TECA

Bryant, Cleveland, & Flynn Summer Programs - Locato

Account Management

From your account you can check account balances, make payments, print receipts and childcare tax statements, and request schedule changes.

                                                                                             Account Management 

Get in Touch

Mission Graduates
3040 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94103
P: +14158645205

Full Name